Tootsie Roll Drive
Fundraising Page
"Helping those with
Intellectual Disabilities"
Ready to Donate?
IMPORTANT: All Donations go to Local and State ID Charities!
The Intellectual Disability (ID) charities that receive donations from our Palatine Holy Ghost Council include:
GiGi's Playhouse
Kirk Center
Little City
Mount St. Joseph
IL Special Olympics
St. Theresa REACH
St. Thomas of Villanova GIFT
If you prefer to write a check,
please make payable to
"Holy Ghost Council #4977"
and mail to:
Palatine Tootsie Roll Drive
c/o Holy Ghost Council #4977
455 N. Benton St.
Palatine, IL 60067
About the Knights!
Palatine's Holy Ghost Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making Palatine and the surrounding communities a better place through charitable action. We share camaraderie with men who hold values similar to our own. We are active in our community; we support our Palatine Catholic Churches and its causes; and we believe in protecting and enhancing our family life while deepening our faith.
If you would like to make a comment, suggest an improvement to the website, advise us of a concern, etc. ... please leave your contact info and message and click the "Submit" button.
Thank You!